
The Glory of the LORD has Appeared

When Moses inaugurated the Tabernacle and the priests began their ministry, “the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people… And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell facedown.”(Lev. 9:23-24) The revelation of God to His people caused them to shout for joy and worship Him. Hundreds of years later God once again revealed Himself to humanity, this time in the form of a small baby who would grow up and show that He was the “radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of His nature…”(Heb. 1:3) That first Christmas was celebrated by a host of angels, a few shepherds, and the people who were present at that manger to witness the greatest revelation of God to us. The arrival of the Messiah was a humble occasion, giving us a glimpse into the character of an Almighty God who even though He is jealous for His glory, He goes about it in a way that is very contrary to the way the world does things. His ways sometimes still catch us by surprise and we still wonder at how and why He does things. As we come to the end of 2020, a year unlike any we have lived through before, God is still in control, and His plan is still to receive praise and glory from every nation and peoples in the world. How has God showed Himself to you this year? How have you reflected Him and shared with others about His goodness and love? God still shows up, and His glory is still revealed, even in a year like this has been. Let us shout for joy and fall facedown in worship of a God who is in control and who loves us beyond what we can understand. May God bless you and fill your hearts as this year ends and a new year begins. He is faithful, and He is good… and that is enough.

-Pastor Eric